Instructions for Authors

Your contributions should be prepared in Microsoft Word or other compatible word processor. They should be submitted to the Editor in chief Prof. Gaj Vidmar, PhD by e-mail ( In the e-mail, you should state that the submitted contribution has not been published elsewhere.

Review Process

Your contribution will be peer-reviewed and, if needed, checked for spelling and grammar. The editor in chief decides on the review process: usually two anonymous referees are involved. Upon acceptance, the authors should proofread their contribution and submit their potential corrections to the technical editor by e-mail.

The authors are themselves responsible for the originality of their manuscripts; the Editorial Board tries to check the manuscripts for plagiarism using publicly available tools.

Article Types

  • Editorial
  • Research paper
  • Research review paper
  • Technical paper
  • SDMI bulletin

Occasionally, we may publish an open discussion on a selected article (opinions from the readers and/or invited experts together with the author’s reply).


Your contribution should be written in either Slovenian or English. If Slovenian is used, English title and abstract should be included on the first page.

Occasionally, we may publish articles in German, Italian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian or Montenegrin language; like the Slovenian ones, they must include the title and abstract in English.


We strongly encourage the authors to use MS Word template to prepare their contributions. The template includes styles that should be used for preparing the manuscript.

The instructions for authors are also available in PDF format. To prepare the manuscript, additional fonts are required.

The template includes detailed information how to prepare your manuscript. The following styles should be used for preparing the manuscript:

Style nameShortcutManuscript part
IMS AuthorsCtrl + I + AList of authors
IMS Title TopCtrl + I + OEnglish title of the article
IMS Title BottomCtrl + I + PSlovenian title of the article
IMS Abstract TopCtrl + I + KAbstract in English
IMS Abstract BottomCtrl + I + LAbstract in Slovenian
IMS NormalCtrl + I + IMain text
IMS Heading 1 FirstCtrl + I + GFirst paragraph title (on page 2)
IMS Heading 1Ctrl + I + HParagraph title
IMS Heading 2Ctrl + I + SSubtitle
IMS Figure ContentCtrl + I + DFor setting figures
IMS Figure LabelCtrl + I + FFor “Figure X” labels and their consecutive numbers
IMS Table LabelCtrl + I + TFor “Table X” labels and their consecutive numbers
IMS Table ContentCtrl + I + BText within tables
IMS Table CommentCtrl + I + VAdditional explanations below tables
IMS CaptionCtrl + I + CTable and figure caption
IMS ReferencesCtrl + I + RReferences
IMS Hyperlink Hyperlinks
IMS References HyperlinkCtrl + I + UHyperlinks within references

The template also includes other styles for particular parts of the manuscript:

Style nameShortcutManuscript part
IMS Footer Page footer
IMS FootnoteCtrl + I + MAuthors’ institutions and contact person
IMS HeaderCtrl + I + NHeader
IMS LabelCtrl + I + YFor “Abstract.”, “Povzetek.” and “Infor Med Slov” labels on the first page
IMS Paper Type For labeling the type of the article on the first page

Article Length

Article should not exceed 15 pages (including figures, tables and literature) when prepared using the above template.

First Page

The first page should include a title of the contribution and an abstract in Slovenian and in English, authors’ names (top right), their institutions and a contact person (bottom left).


Figures should be prepared in grey-scale and included in line with text (layout). For their layout style “IMS Figure Content” should be used. Their width should be equal to the column width: 79 mm for two-columns and 167 mm for a single column. In the latter case a continuous section break should be used just before the figure and immediately after the figure caption. To layout the caption “IMS Caption” style should be used. For “Figure X” labels together with their consecutive numbers “IMS Figure Label” style should be used.

Exceptionally, you may submit the figures in separate files which should be named “FigX.TIF” where X represents the consecutive figure number. Figures may be prepared in GIF, JPG, TIF or PNG formats.


Tables should be 79 mm in width if included in two columns or 167 mm if a single column is used; in that case continuous section break should be used just before the table caption and immediately after the table (or its additional explanation if included). Tables should be designed without vertical lines. Table heading should be separated from other lines by a horizontal line. Additional horizontal lines should indicate the beginning and the end of the table. To layout the table caption “IMS Caption” style should be used. For “Table X” labels and together with their consecutive numbers “IMS Table Label” style should be used, and for optional explanations below tables “IMS Table Comment” should be used.


Only printed and other publicly available literature should be referred to. Literature should be formatted similarly as used in Index Medicus by US National Library of Medicine. Journal names should be abbreviated as in Index Medicus. For up to 3 authors all their names should be listed; if there are more, the first three should be listed followed by “et al.” If the author is not known, “Anon.” should be used in its place. References to yet unpublished, but already excepted work should include information on the journal; instead of page numbers “in press” should be used. Personal communications and unpublished work should not be included in the literature. Literature should be stated in the same language as it was written and originally published.

You may use Endnote to format the literature using the following style: IMS.ens. To use it, copy the file into “\Program Files\Endnote\Styles” folder.

Copyright Transfer

The authors agree to transfer the copyright to the publisher (this is implied when they approve the proofs before publication).

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