Archive of All Issues
Research Papers
1 | Rok Devjak, Tadeja Režen, Damjana Rozman, Peter Juvan Quality Control of Low-Density DNA Microarrays |
14 | Andrej Kastrin Meta-Analysis in the Technology of DNA Microarrays |
22 | Rakesh Sharma, Avdhesh Sharma, Charles D. Williams A Simple Assessment of Left Ventricular Function and Mass with Cine MRI |
Technical Papers
29 | Janez Stare Basics of Sample Size Calculations |
34 | Matic Meglič, Dorjan Marušič, Aleš Anžur, Drago Kodele Equipment and the Usage of Information Technologies in Hospitals and Health Care Centers in Slovenia |
SDMI Bulletins
40 | Ema Dornik, Vesna Prijatelj Informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija v praksi in teoriji zdravstvene nege |
45 | Vesna Prijatelj Poročilo o 12. mednarodnem kongresu MEDINFO |